Nak bawakkan seni typhography oleh seorang pereka desingner dari rusia Yulia Brodskaya..
Ni antara review tentang dirinya..
Yulia Brodskaya was born in Russia (Moscow); prior to moving to the UK in 2004 she was interested in diverse creative practices ranging from Textile Painting, Origami and Collage to more traditional Fine Art practices. Following an MA in Graphic Communication (2006, University of Hertfordshire) she continued to experiment and explore ways of bringing together all the things she likes most: typography, paper, and highly detailed hand-made craft objects. She has swiftly earned an international reputation for her innovative paper illustrations and continues to create beautifully detailed paper designs for clients all around the world.
Ini beberapa karya seninya bertemakan kertas tipografi.
Aku cume boleh cakap Wow!!!
cool heee
semat2.klu cr kat deviantart pn byk gak typografi2 yg lawa2.hehe
p/s latest entri krayonjingga:
Video Gila ****
Diet Rasulullah
Makan ***** Lembu
waaaa.......kagumnya akak tengok...memang kreatif gilerlah...
giiloo~~cantik bhai!
abdul rashid-->yup.sememangnya cool...
ashraf-->ye ker.kira ashraf nih mang suke art gak..thumbs up!
eita-->hehe..betul kak..sama2 kagum
enchix landax--->mang cantik bhai!haha
cool.....buat sndri ke...mnx tlg buatkn secara percuma belh x..hehe
p/s:thanks komen kt blog..setiap komen anda dihargai..=)
buat sendiri ke tu
faiz-->bukan sy yg slh sorg pengkarya dr Rusia.huhu.jgn slh fhm lak. ;)
gigirongak-->myb mang orang tu yg bkn eden wat taw.eden kagum jer sma cm kowg. ;)
sangat comel n cantikkk!!!
Wow.. subhanallah amat kagum.. serius cantik..
kamu peminat seni ke?
Bagus dan creative... kagum sekali aku
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